Angels of Hope

The Angel Foundation’s annual gala brings strength and hope to those affected by cancer.

The 2014 Angel Gala was held on Saturday, January 25 at the Minneapolis Hilton to commemorate cancer victims and their loved ones. Here are some of their stories, as told to Nancy Rosenbaum.

Anthony Drews: My wife, Jodi Stark Drews, passed away last year from melanoma. We’re celebrating her tonight. 

Women: All of us worked together with Jodi at the Hennepin County Defender’s Office. We’re lucky enough now to be good friends with Tony. He’s one of the girls!

Katie Jecha: Last winter, my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer and he’s been recovering. I was inspired to make this book of artwork with quotes from teens who have a parent with cancer, Reflections: Teens’ Thoughts on Having a Parent with Cancer. I was asked by the Angel Foundation to have a piece of art auctioned off, so that’s what I’m doing tonight.

Denise Schuenke: I walked a journey with one of my good friends who had ovarian cancer, and that really changed my life. It helped me realize about work/life balance and giving to others. When I had the opportunity to give back to this organization, I became a member of the board.

Montana Jackson: My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago. I really love this organization. I’ve seen how much it’s helped me and my family. It got a well-bonded relationship going with me and my mom and me and my little sister all over again.

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