2008 MMPA Awards

Minnesota Monthly Magazine received 12 awards at the 12th annual Minnesota Magazine & Publications Association Excellence Awards ceremony on November 6, including gold awards for best feature story, best overall design, best single cover, best use of visuals, and overall excellence.

Greenspring Media Group, the publisher of Minnesota Monthly Magazine, was honored with an additional 22 awards for its other special interest and business/trade publications.

The annual Excellence Awards Competition was established by the Minnesota Magazine& Publications Association to recognize and foster outstanding publishing achievements. Minnesota Monthly was honored with the following awards:

Gold Honors

Best Feature Article (“110 Minutes,” Minnesota Monthly, April 2008)
Best Overall Design (Minnesota Monthly, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008)
Best Single Cover (Minnesota Monthly, January 2008)
Best Use of Visuals/Illustrations (“How Minnesota Saved Civilization,” Minnesota Monthly, May 2008)
Overall Excellence (Minnesota Monthly, September 2007, January 2008, February 2008)

Silver Honors

Best Digital Media (www.MinnesotaMonthly.com)
Best Feature Article (“The Toughest Man Alive. . . Lives in White Bear Lake,” Minnesota Monthly, February 2008)
Best Single Cover (Minnesota Monthly, June 2008)
Best Use of Visuals/Photography (“Liquid Assets,” Minnesota Monthly, June 2008)

Bronze Honors

Best Single Cover (Minnesota Monthly, May 2008)
Best Use of Visuals/Illustrations (“The 10 Most Unwanted,” Minnesota Monthly, July 2007)
Best Use of Visuals/Photography (“The Warriors at Home,” Minnesota Monthly, November 2007)

Greenspring Media Group publishes Minnesota Monthly as well as several other magazines, including Midwest Home, Drinks, Real Food and multiple custom publications. In addition to the publishing segment of its business, Greenspring Media Group produces signature special events including the Minnesota Monthly Food and Wine Experience, Twin Cities Luxury Home Tour, and the Fall Home and Garden Show. For a complete list of Greenspring Media Group’s 34 awards visit www.greenspring.com.