A Chance for Life—And Learning

Food is a great path peoples’ minds and hearts, and two recent events proved just that. Funds were raised along with awareness at least two great local events I was pleased to attend—one of which I’m happy to host with our Minnesota Monthly team on a monthly basis.


February 18, 2011 – Metropolitan Ballroom & Clubroom, Minneapolis, MN

Why: To raise funds for the Another Chance for Life Fund, which provides scholarships to individuals and families seeking treatment and recovery from gambling addictions.

Hosted by: Chef Larry D’Amico, Seth Bixby Daugherty, and me!

Learn more: www.ProjectTurnAround.com


February 15, 2011 – Crave Restaurant Galleria

Why: To feature influential women in the Twin Cities area who are breaking new ground and inspiring others through their accomplishments.

Featured: Sona Mehring, Founder and CEO of CaringBridge

Learn more: www.CaringBridge.org and www.MNMO.com/woi

Sue Zelickson (Sue Z.) is a James Beard Award-winning food media personality, philanthropist, and longtime contributor to Minnesota Monthly and WCCO radio. She has founded the Charlie Awards, the Women Who Really Cook networking organization for women in the local food industry, and the Kids Cafe at Perspectives, Inc., which improves access to nutritious meals for families in need. You can find her buzzing around from event to event throughout the Twin Cities, helping to raise funds for charitable organizations, including some she has had a hand in building.