Event: Share Our Strength, a national nonprofit that seeks to end childhood hunger in the United States, celebrated its inaugural Cakewalk event at Minneapolis’s Fine Line Music Café on March 1.
Delectable Delights: Guests gobbled down everything from Nutella-filled brioche doughnuts to bourbon cocktails sprinkled with bacon toffee.
The Cakewalk: Like musical chairs (only better).Winners of this tasty game walked away with one of the seven donated cakes.
Banish Hunger: The $25,000 raised will go toward Share Our Strength’s goal of ending childhood hunger by 2015.
See and Be Seen: Among the 300 guests were local personalities Jason DeRusha and Stephanie Hansen, as well as star chef Tim McKee, Seth Bixby Daughtery, and Michelle Gayer.
Click on photos to see names of those pictured.