Artsy summer: Golf at the Walker and more

For those of you who wouldn’t be caught dead in plaid pants and white shoes strolling the green of a golf course, the Walker Art Center has brought back its popular artist-designed mini-golf (open to 8 pm most days now through September) in the Sculpture Garden. The lines were long the last time I tried, a few years back, but it’s worth it: a 12-foot-tall Paul Bunyan, a heap of debris in the Pacific, and a Japanese Pachinko-style pinball deal with a human-powered elevator for the ball. It’s the backyard you wish you had.

And who else can’t wait for the Design for the Other 90 % exhibition opening at the Walker on May 31? Not that the Walker originated this show (that’d be the Cooper-Hewitt in New York and the Smithsonian) but this is why I love the Walker–for every obscure Matthew Barney deal that only a certain percentage will every appreciate, there’s this for, well, the other 90 percent I guess: cool design for those who can’t afford the services of the pros.