Author Meet-and-Greet

Magers & Quinn hosts first-time author James Wallenstein to read from his new book, <em>The Arriviste</em>

Ever wonder if you have what it takes to write a novel? James Wallenstein, a freelance writer for such publications as GQ, the Boston Review, and the Antioch Review, decided to find out with his first novel, The Arriviste. After spending five years perfecting the book, Milkweed Editions published Wallenstein’s 312-page work of fiction and has invited him to come talk about it at Magers & Quinn tomorrow night.

The novel centers around Neil Fox, a former businessman who made a living on venture capital deals and unyielding ambition. Years later, that all-or-nothing attitude has stopped bringing Fox success and has instead isolated him—until a new neighbor moves in.

A story of influence, power, and obsession with wealth, Wallenstein’s first venture into fiction has been gaining momentum since its recent release, and his talk tomorrow night should prove to be equally scintillating.

James Wallenstein reads from The Arriviste
Wednesday, June 1, 7:30 p.m.
Magers & Quinn Booksellers
3038 Hennepin Ave. S., Mpls., 612-822-4611