Through the Go Red For Women movement, the American Heart Association has effectively communicated a message of heart healthy living and the statistic that one in three women is at risk for heart disease. The association has achieved its goal of reaching 1 million women through launching the Go Red Heart CheckUp and already beat its 2010 goal to reduce heart disease by 25 percent. However, there is still a gap in providing women with the next step—encouraging them to take action steps in an effort to improve their health.
What is Go Red BetterU?
It’s a free 12-week online program that can save your life.
How does it work?
By providing guidance that can help you transform your overall health by making simple lifestyle changes. Ignoring fad diets and new exercise trends, Go Red BetterU focuses on the skills and information that help today’s busy women lead their own lives, only better. Visit to sign up for the program and connect with women like you who are committed to making healthier choices everyday. Our Hearts. Our Choice. Choose a BetterU.
What does it entail?
• 12 weeks of step-by-step guidance on becoming healthy
• The Go Red BetterMe Coaching Tool, a valuable tool that can be placed on your desktop, iGoogle, or blog and to help keep you on track with your program.
• 365 daily tips from expert coaches on nutrition, stress, and physical activity (and other topics)
• Long-and short-term goal setting to help provide motivation
• Journaling capabilities for tracking achievements
• Program content powered by the science of the American Heart Association
How can I sign up?
Choose a BetterU at