Cheers to Tom Gunkelman

I’ve been to several birthday parties this year, but none as memorable as yesterday’s fete for Tom Gunkelman at the Holly Hunt showroom at IMS. Tom—unbelievably—just turned 80 and much of the Minneapolis design community turned out to help him celebrate. Surrounded by friends, associates, and clients eager to toast his talent and give him birthday hugs, the principal of GunkelmanFlesher couldn’t stop smiling—especially at the “Friend of the Dean of Design” buttons sported by many in the crowd. That appellation, awarded to Gunkelman just last week by the Star Tribune, is absolutely apropos for a legendary designer and truly nice guy. Here’s to many more happy days for the Dean of Design.

Greenspring Media Group president Steve
Fox congratulates Tom Gunkelman
on his 80-year milestone.

Partygoers help Tom celebrate
with cake and champagne.