SCENE | Just 10 feet wide and 14 stools long. And, yes, that woman standing right behind you does want your seat. | Built to look like a railcar, this 1937 gem is St. Paul’s perennial movie star. | A tiny house holding 11 stools along the counter and two four-seat tables. |
COUNTER CULTURE | Early-bird professors mingle with guys just getting off the night shift. | Families snapping souvenir pics, regulars in baseball caps, the occasional downtown suit. | Generally an older crowd, with plenty of Vikings apparel. |
STAFF ATTITUDE | Cool, calm, and collected, even at 6 a.m., when the crowd’s already stacked three deep. | In control. And in no hurry at all—Mickey’s never closes. | Good-humored. “We do have indoor plumbing,” the waitress ribs a customer. |
CHATTER | “Hey, is that Ben down there?” “Yeah. You hear his daughter’s getting married?” | “You can jelly your own toast. I’m not coming to college with you to jelly your toast.” | “Antique is just a nice way of saying something’s old.” |
THE BASICS | Two eggs and toast: $2. No grease at all—so expertly fried they’re practically wholesome. | The Fry 2 (eggs and toast): $3.10. Local eggs and meat are cooked in real butter. | Two eggs, toast or not-to-be-missed pancakes, and hash browns big enough to make a meal: $4.60. |
THE WORKS | Two-egg scrambles dubbed Spring (asparagus and hollandaise), Summer (tomato, basil, and mozzarella), or Winter (feta, spinach, and tomato): $5 to $6. Add half a grapefruit for $1. | America’s Favorite All-Day Meal (two eggs, hash browns, toast, choice of meat): $6.75. | The Kitchen Special (two eggs, hash browns, toast or pancake, sausage, coffee): $7.35. |
RATING | 10 | 7 | 8 |
Early Edition
Eggs, bacon, and a side of small-town camaraderie at three classic Twin Cities breakfast joints. Rated for scene and sizzle.