Where to get it
Clockwise from top-left:
1. Signet ring, $300, by Betty Jaeger, 3jagdesign.com
2. Sterling-silver Pebble ring with cognac diamonds, $500, by Betty Jaeger.
3. Gold Secrets necklace, $800, by Betty Jaeger.
4. Sterling silver and 18k gray-gold ring with cognac and champagne diamonds, $879, by Betty Jaeger.

Left-right from top left:
5. Set of three sterling-silver Matchstick cuff bracelets, $94, by Carrier Pigeon, carrierpigeonjewelry.com
6. Bronze 3 Peak necklace on sterling-silver chain, $210, by Carrier Pigeon.
7. Blackened sterling-silver Pod earrings with 22k gold granulation, $198, by Britta Kauppila, brittalynndesign.com
8. Ring, $214, by Laura Heiden of Fence Design, fencestudio.com
9. Victoria earrings, $218, by Karin Jacobsen, superkarin.com
10. Stacking rings by Emily Johnson, $275-$315, ecdesignstudios.com
11. Galaxy necklace, $313, by Karin Jacobsen
12. Sterling-silver earrings, $48, by Fence Design
13. Flying bird emblem ring, $145, by Susan Elnora Frerichs, susanelnora.blogspot.com
14. Lotus Petal ring, $135, by Karin Jacobsen
15. Sterling-silver bangles, $34 each, by Fence Design