Q. What’s one simple, affordable thing I can do to update my home?
A. There are many strategies you can employ to improve the aesthetics of your home! The easiest, though, is changing paint colors. Hire an interior designer for a consultation to help steer you in the right direction, or use a paint manufacturer’s color family brochure to tackle this task. Think fresh, and make bold moves to really change the ambiance of your space. For instance, don’t assume your ceilings have to be white. Spaces are much more interesting if you put controlled color on them. Consider using an accent color on an isolated wall—fireplace wall, inside backs of painted cabinets, or freestanding dividing wall. Look up images on Houzz or Pinterest to allay your fears.
Expert Note
Spaces are much more interesting if you put controlled color on them. Think fresh, and make bold moves to really change the ambiance of your space.
Sandy LaMendola, ASID
Owner, principal designer
Twist Interior Designtwistinterior.com