Having a Ball

Children’s Home Society & Family Services kicks off the Little Red Stocking campaign at Target Field

Who: Children’s Home Society & Family Services

What: Third Annual Little Red Ball event, which kicks off the more than 100-year-old Little Red Stocking campaign, November 13.

Giving Thanks: The event grossed more than $80,000.

See and be Seen: Event emcee Rebecca Wood from 5 Eyewitness News and TC Bear.

Sneak Peek: Guests got a behind-the-scenes tour of Target Field.

Going Once, Going Twice: A stay in a South Dakota home overlooking the Black Hills drew the top bids, but a guitar signed by the band Weezer and a 25-pound Pearson’s Nut Roll also scored big.

Gala Zen: Gorilla Yogis led families in a baseball-themed yoga practice the morning of the gala as snow flew over Target field.

Click on the photos to see names of those pictured.