Hot Topic: Development in Linden Hills

Community reaction to proposed condo and commercial development in Linden Hills.


The proposed Linden Crossing condo and commercial development has sparked controversy between a group of the south Minneapolis neighborhood’s residents, a developer, and the City Council. Most recently, the council unanimously denied an appeal that would have blocked adding a fourth story on the building.

“Are you serious?!!! After all the time and effort we put into getting petitions signed.”
–email to Minneapolis City Planner Mei-Ling Anderson

“We don’t need that kind of crap around here. We’ve had three teardown/McMansions on our block and they’re all big and ugly … move to Uptown, or better yet, Eden Prairie!”
–email to Anderson

“If [the developer] leaves, be careful what you wish for … At some point, if this is shut down, that’s going to drive a bigger development later. Negotiate and make it work.”
–Letter to the Southwest Journal

“The new Linden Crossing proposal will help us grow our city as we plan for the needs of the future.”
–Facebook post by Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges

“I for one hope this development will spur even further updates of the business node in Linden Hills. I live here and I love it!”
–Letter to the Southwest Journal

“This is a total ho-hummer to residents four blocks away.”
–Linden Hills Neighborhood Council board member Kevin Dillon

“I think we’re hearing tension between the desire for shorter buildings, for really nice building materials, and the affordability of housing. That’s a policy question I think we need to continue to ask across the city.”
–Minneapolis City Council member Lisa Bender