In Your 60s & Beyond



– By the time you turn 60, your pupils decrease to about one-third the size they were at 20, which means you need three times more ambient lighting to read comfortably, and may need eyeglasses with photochromic lenses and anti-reflective coating to reduce sunlight glare. Include regular visits to the eye doctor for a vision test and screening for glaucoma and cataracts.
– Add a dash of dietary fiber to stay regular, help lower cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
– If you’ve always wanted a companion animal, now is the perfect time. Studies show that pet owners live healthier, happier, less stressful lives.
– Eat more fish. According to the American Heart Association, fish harbors omega-3 fats that reduce the risk of plaque buildup in your arteries; decrease blood triglyceride (fat) levels; and help lower blood pressure.
– Fight decreased hydration, sagging skin, and lower estrogen levels with moisturizers that include soy, green tea, retinol, and alpha hydroxyl acids. Use sunscreen with nothing less than 30 SPF (and regularly check your skin for changing moles, lumps, or sores that don’t heal, possible signs of skin cancer), and choose makeup that has nourishing ingredients such as aloe, Vitamin E, and natural minerals.
– Take a multivitamin and calcium supplement to combat loss of muscle strength and bone density.
– Maintain a social support network and stay busy and involved. Studies show that memory stays sharp when an older person is surrounded by an enriched environment. Those who get sick (even chronically ill) or suffer a life crisis–but who have a good social support network–have a better chance of surviving and thriving.

60s and beyond:

People today are living longer than in any other time in history. There is better healthcare treatment and prevention, better medical technology, and better research. Not only is it possible to increase the number of years you live, it is equally possible to be more productive and energetic across those years. Gone are the images of retirees sitting idly in their rocking chairs. Today’s retirees are living life to the fullest as more people realize the benefits of good nutrition and exercise to keep heart disease, osteoporosis, and some types of cancer at bay. With the kids out of house and the mortgage paid off, they have the time and financial freedom to take classes, learn new hobbies, volunteer in the community, enjoy the company of others, entertain old friends, try new restaurants, go shopping, and do the activities they love.

According to a new study by British and U.S. researchers, if people make it to age 70 and are still physically fit, they are on average as happy and mentally healthy as a 20-year old. Many consider retirement the happiest years of their life.