We put a teeny notice in our upcoming September issue, but just didn’t have the space to explain our excitement for a new furniture line & studio that made its grand debut this summer. Lucero Studio, a partnership between Eden Prairie architect/interior designer Bill Costello and Minneapolis artisan Mark Bouchard, is the name of the new enterprise. Their just-introduced furniture line includes 14 pieces, from the steel and rough wood “C.M.O.” desk, to the light-as-air wood “Buchner” bed, to an aluminum pen rest that speaks to elegance in simplicity. Most of the pieces respond aesthetically to their functions—the beds are designed to create an appearance of floating or lightness, to evoke ideas of sleep. The bookcase, on the other hand, is weighted by steel brackets and calls attention to the burden of books. Prices range from $50 (the pen rest) to $15,000 (for a dining table). Call Mark or Bill at 612-805-1385, and visit lucerostudio.com.