January 2008 Charitable Registry

Event information is subject to change. Please confirm details before making plans.

1/19  Fur Bowl Cosmic Bowlathon

Benefit for the newly merged Humane Society with locations in Golden Valley, Coon Rapids, St. Paul, Woodbury, and Buffalo. Help “Strike Out” animal homelessness by taking part in the annual Fur Bowl Cosmic Bowlathon! Raise pledges and bowl on Jan. 19 or 20 at Arden Hills Bowl/Medina Entertainment Center. 11 a.m. Arden Hills and Medina. 763-489-1574; www.animalhumanesociety.org.

1/28  BRAVO! for Vail Place
Benefit for people with long-term mental illness, organized by Vail Place. Seventh annual fundraiser takes place this year at the interactive comedy “We Gotta Bingo.” Includes dinner and great raffle prizes. Supports Vail Place’s community-based recovery services for people with long term mental illnesses. 6 p.m. Lowry Theater, 16 West Fifth St., St. Paul. 952-938-9622 ext. 27; www.vailplace.org.