June 2
Curtain’s Up with Olympia Dukakis
Proceeds from Curtain’s Up support the Children’s Theatre Company’s nationally recognized Neighborhood Bridges and Theatre Arts Training programs and further CTC’s efforts to provide 90,000 students with theatre tickets at prices they can afford. Join the CTC for an appearance by actress, director, producer, activist and author Olympia Dukakis. Ms. Dukakis received an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and a Golden Globe Award for her work in Moonstruck. www.childrenstheatre.org
June 12
Walk Like MADD
A Benefit for Mother’s Against Drunk Driving. Walk Like MADD: MADD’s signature walk, is a fun, community-driven 3.2 mile walk that raises funds for local drunk driving crash victims and programs to prevent underage drinking. Every step taken and pledge made will help raise funds and awareness for MADD Minnesota’s programs and services that will serve to make our communities safer. Contact Brenda at brenda.reuter@madd.org.
June 11-13
Bike MS: Larkin Hoffman MS 150 Ride
A benefit for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Minnesota Chapter. Ride for two-days, 150-miles and raise funds to help create a world free of MS. The biggest two-day bike ride in the state—the Larkin Hoffman MS 150—takes cyclists from Proctor, near Duluth, to the Twin Cities with an overnight in Hinckley. Contact Pete at 1-800-582-5296 or bikeMS@mssociety.org. • www.bikeMSminnesota.org
June 14
Children’s Hospitals Golf Benefit
Proceeds from the Children’s Hospitals Golf Benefit go to the Family Needs Fund and Hospice and Home Care at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota. The benefit is presented by Twin Cities Audi Dealers and offers a choice of play formats: scramble or Audi Stableford. Contact Anne at 651-855-2825.
June 14
International Hearing Foundation Golf Classic
A benefit for the International Hearing Foundation. Support our mission to increase public awareness of hearing, speech, and language impairments, including education and research programs. Lakeville. Contact Treva at 612-339-2120 or TRP-MMP@prodigy.net. • www.internationalhearingfoundation.org
June 16
200 Perfect Jumps for Parkinson’s Disease
Kevin Burkart will complete 200 skydives in one day to raise money and awareness for Parkinson’s Disease. Event to be held at Skydive Twin Cities in Baldwin, Wis. www.perfectjumps.com
June 17
Gala in the Gardens: Azalea Lights
A benefit for the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Come party in the garden! Gala in the Garden: Azalea Lights feature cocktails and hors d’oeuvres in the Arboretum’s spectacular gardens, dining al fresco, music, GalaMarket, live auction and a special centennial toast to Honorary Gala Chair John Andrus. $175/ticket. Patron sponsorships $250-$10,000. www.arboretum.umn.edu/gala.aspx
June 21
Golf Classic for Diabetes Research
An afternoon of golf to benefit the Jeffrey Dobbs and David E.R. Sutherland Diabetes Research Chair held by Dr. David Sutherland at the University of Minnesota’s Schulze Diabetes Institute. This event includes a dinner, program and live auction. For more information, contact Valerie Petermann at 612-624-4444 or v.petermann@mmf.umn.edu.
June 21
Whole Heart Golf Tournament
A benefit for Camp Odayin and children with heart disease. Join us for an afternoon of golf and an evening of music and fine dining as you make a difference in the lives of our Odayin campers. Indian Hills Country Club, Stillwater. Contact Sara at 651-351-9185 or info@campodayin.org. • www.campodayin.org
June 24
Toast and Taste in the Gardens
A benefit for the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Attend a fun garden party featuring farm-grown Minnesota food, wine, beer, and entertainment. www.arboretum.umn.edu/toastandtaste.aspx
June 26
HeartBeat 5000
A benefit for Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota. HeartBeat 5000 is a 5K Walk/Run and Kids Fun Run at Father Hennepin Bluffs Park in Minneapolis. Proceeds from the event benefit cardiac needs at Children’s. Contact Anne at 651-855-2825. • www.heartbeat5000.com
June 26
Time to Fly Walk/Run
A benefit for the Children’s Cancer Research Fund. The 8th annual family event features a 5K Walk/Run, 10K Run, and a 1K Kids Fun Run at Harriet Island Regional Park in St. Paul. Festivities include individual and team competitions, live music, a family entertainment area, and treats, drinks, hi-tech performance t-shirts and event bags for all participants.
June 28
JAUM Pro-Am Golf Class
A benefit for Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest. The 11th Annual Pro-Am Golf Classic is an exclusive tournament supporting JAUM’s economics education programs. The event provides networking, lively competition, and the opportunity to play on an elite course. www.jaum.org
June TBD
Annual Golf Classic
A benefit for the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, improving cardiovascular health through clinical research and education. The Annual Golf Classic provides support to programs that further our mission to create a world without heart disease.Contact Toni at 612-863-3844 or tknorr@mhif.org. • www.mplsheart.org/golf
June TBD
Bright Gardens for Fraser Tour
A benefit for Fraser, serving children and adults with special needs through comprehensive education, healthcare and housing services. Private homeowners in the Twin Cities metro area invite you to experience their breathtaking gardens. Enjoy art by local artists at some gardens, raffle prizes, and the opportunity to learn from Hennepin County Master Gardeners, on-hand to answer gardening questions. Proceeds from ticket sales go to support Fraser. Contact Rose at 612-798-8343 or roser@fraser.org. • www.fraser.org/calendar
June TBD
FORE! Fraser Benefit Golf Classic
Spend a Monday afternoon on the golf course supporting Fraser services, an organization making a meaningful and lasting difference in the lives of children, adults and families with special needs by providing education, healthcare and housing services. Golfers will enjoy 18 holes of golf at Brackett’s Crossing Country Club in Lakeville, a buffet lunch and sit-down dinner, and a chance to win great prizes, including $10,000 in the hole-in-one contest! Sponsorships and individual tickets available. Contact Rose at 612-798-8343 or roser@fraser.org. • www.fraser.org/calendar
June TBD
HandsOn Twin Cities Day
A fundraiser for HandsOn Twin Cities (a volunteer center benefiting more than 200 affiliates), HandsOn Twin Cities Day is an annual serve-a-thon which hosts 800-plus volunteers in projects that are focused on benefiting the community in and near Minneapolis and St. Paul. It’s a great day-of-service/teambuilding opportunity for local companies. HandsOn Twin Cities provides a turnkey approach for the event with planning, staffing, and logistics. Contact Zeeda at zeeda@handsontwincities.org or call 612-349-4900 ext. 13.
June TBD
HeartLINKS Golf Invitational
A benefit for Children’s HeartLink. Help raise funds and awareness for congenital heart disease. Children’s HeartLink saves the lives of children with heart disease who live in under-served regions of the world. Shotgun start, 18 holes, four-person scramble, food, beverages, entertainment and much more. Golf invitational to be held in Golden Valley. Contact Audrey at 952-928-4860 ext. 16 or audrey@childrensheartlink.org. • www.childrensheartlink.org
June TBD
Knicker Open Golf Tournament
A benefit for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities, presented by the City of Lakes Rotary. The event features lunch, 18-holes of golf, dinner, a live auction and awards. Enjoy 18 holes of golf at Tartan Park in Lake Elmo. Knickers and collared shirts required. Contact Nicole at 612-435-1916. • www.boysandgirls.org
June TBD
Tour de Cure
A benefit for the American Diabetes Association. This signature cycling event takes you through Minneapolis and St. Paul. Distances available for riders of all ages from a 6-mile family ride to a 25 or 45-mile route. Over 80 sites nationwide host this event raising money for diabetes research and education ($150 fundraising minimum). Contact Janeece at 763-593-5333 ext. 6784 or joatman@diabetes.org. • www.diabetes.org/tour
June TBD
Wine on Wayzata Bay/Sailing Regatta
A benefit for the American Diabetes Association. The weekend kicks-off Friday night with Wine on Wayzata, open to the public. Over 150 wines are available for tasting with hors d’oeuvres provided by local restaurants. The two-day sailing Regatta begins Saturday morning. Lake Minnetonka provides the perfect setting to enjoy the weekend. Contact Ryann at 763-593-5333 ext. 6598 or rrathman@diabetes.org. • www.wineonwayzatabay.com