In our technology-saturated culture, cell phones, computers, and iPods have become unavoidable staple companions of our purses and pockets, traveling with us all day, every day. We text, tweet, and post—in the same boring, black font—almost constantly. And yet, even with all this so-called communication, we’re lacking: gone are the days of tearing open a letter, of feeling a wave of familiarity washing over us at the sight of a loved one’s handwriting. Letters, especially today, are precious, carefully preserved and stored, unlike texts and emails, which are erased as soon as inboxes reach capacity.
And in this way we are similar to Melissa and Andrew, star-crossed lovers who’ve saved 50 years of letters they’ve written each other. In A.R. Gurney’s play, Love Letters, the pair sits facing the audience, inviting you to listen in on their intimate correspondence.
Real-life married duo of 13 years, Tom and Pat Isbell (who play Andrew and Melissa) bring the heartache and love of their characters to Yellow Tree Theatre this weekend. Jessica and Jason, the theatre’s founders, saw the pair perform Love Letters in Duluth and knew they had stumbled upon something breathtaking. As Pat Isbell said, “It all starts with a great story.” That may be so, but lucky for the audience, it ends with a pair of actors who can translate their real-life love and need for each other to make the characters come alive.
Love Letters
Friday, July 15 through Sunday, July 31
Yellow Tree Theatre, 320 Fifth Ave. SE., Osseo