Attend these Heart-Health Events around the Twin Cities


Fashion Weekend

February 5

National Wear Red Day
Join thousands of people and businesses across the country in “Going Red” to show your support for women’s heart health.

February 6

Go Red Casting Call “Speak Up to Save Lives”

Mall of America, Macy’s Court, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Share your story, why you want to be a spokesperson for Go Red, and empower other women to live heart-healthy lives. Sponsored by HealthEast Heart Care

FREE Health Screenings & Ask the Doctor

Mall of America, Macy’s Court, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Learn your numbers: blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, and body mass index and become empowered to live healthy. Find FREE Health Screenings throughout the month of February at HealthEast clinics

Go Red “Hearts for Fashion” Show

Mall of America, Macy’s Court, 3 p.m.–5 p.m.
Hear the heart-warming stories of heart survivors, and enjoy red fashions from the mall and unique designs created by local fashion design students. Sponsored by Boston Scientific

Food Weekend

February 13

“CRAVE” Your Favorite Foods

Mall of America, Macy’s Court, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Check out Go Red specials with chefs from CRAVE restaurant.

Get the “Weekly Dish” with FM 107.1’s Stephanie & Stephanie

Mall of America, Macy’s Court, 1–2 p.m.
Learn how to make your favorite dishes heart-healthy with simple substitutions. Presented by FM 107.1

Tips to Eating Healthy

Mall of America, Macy’s Court, 2–3:30 p.m.
Learn tips on how to keep healthy foods fun and delicious. Sponsored by Cub Foods, a Supervalu co.


Twin Cities Annual Go Red
For Women Lunch & Learn

Speak Up to Save Lives!

Join us in this annual celebration to raise money for research to beat the No. 1 killer of women – heart disease. The Lunch & Learn will feature educational sessions, health screenings, and a keynote speaker.

February 18
The Hilton Airport Mall of America Hotel Bloomington, 8 a.m.–1 p.m.

Executive Leadership Team:
2010 Chair: Jean Holloway, Vice President, CRDM Legal Department, Medtronic. The Executive Leadership Team includes: Jenny Barba, Kaye Foley, Katharine Priedman, Maureen Bausch, Sara Gavin, Debra Rudquist, Candice Ciresi, Wayne Hartley, Christina Small, Angela Craig, Karin Keitel, Kathy Tune, Paula Davidovich, Kathy Lundberg, Kristi Warner, Julie Earhart, Karen McDaniel, Catherine Wassberg, Janet Evans and Jeri Meola.

For more information about sponsoring this event, contact Alicia Gordon, Go Red Director, 952-278-7922 or

Fitness Weekend

February 20

Go Red Walking Challenge

Mall of America, Macy’s Court, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Pick up your free pedometer, learn proper walking techniques, shop ‘til your heart-health is content, and then enter a drawing for a Wii Fit. Sponsored by St. Jude Medical

Polar Explorer Anne Bancroft Speaks Up to Save Lives!

Mall of America, Macy’s Court, 3:30-4 p.m.
This Minnesota legend will discuss her next international expedition and the need for women to unite to live their healthiest lives.

Go Red Zumba-Off

Mall of America, Macy’s Court, 4–6 p.m.
Have fun getting active and heart-healthy with the Latin-inspired exercise program Zumba and try out for a chance to appear at a Minnesota Timberwolves game during half-time and win tickets to a T-wolves game. Presented by the Minnesota Timberwolves and Zumba International 

 More information: