Local Author Lorna Landvik to Speak at Go Red For Women Seminar and Luncheon
The American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women Seminar and Luncheon, part of the larger Go Red For Women movement, will take place on February 8 at a location to be announced within the next few weeks. The event will once again include seminars, breakout sessions, and a luncheon.
This year’s keynote speaker is Minneapolis native Lorna Landvik, author of the best-selling novels Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons, Patty Jayne’s House of Curl, Your Oasis on Flame Lake, Oh My Stars, The Tall Pine Polka, and Welcome to the Great Mysterious. In addition to writing, Landvik is an actress, playwright, and proud hockey mother. She once did standup and improvisational comedy in California, along with then-rising star Robin Williams, and completed a walk from the West Coast to Washington as part of the Great Peace March for Global Disarmament.
The seminar topics will focus on lifestyle changes women can make to change their heart health.
The money raised at the event is reinvested into women’s heart health programs, research and education. The goal, says Barbara Ducharme, the association’s Go Red For Women director, is to make women aware that cardiovascular disease is their number one killer; to educate women on how to reduce their risks of developing cardiovascular disease; and to raise money to reinvest into women’s heart health initiatives.
Watch for detailed luncheon information in an upcoming Go Red For Women supplement, planned for the January issue of Minnesota Monthly magazine. Contact Barb Ducharme at 952-278-7910 for more information. www.heart.org