Penumbra Theatre's Jazz Jam, 2010

Penumbra Theatre brings the beat to its Summer Institute Scholarship Fund

EVENT: Penumbra Theatre’s Jazz Jam at the Dakota Jazz Club, June 6

SEE AND BE SEEN: Four-time Grammy-winner Dianne Reeves performed, with guest appearances by Dennis W. Spears and Sanford Moore; T. Mychael Rambo emceed.

GOING ONCE, GOING TWICE: All proceeds from the silent and live auctions went to Penumbra’s Summer Institute Scholarship Fund, which is a four-week summer program for youth.

DINING:  Guests were served a three-course meal prepared by Dakota chef Jack Riebel.

ABOUT PENUMBRA THEATRE: It’s Minnesota’s only professional African-American theater, devoted to showcasing the African-American experience. More than $700,000 has been raised for Penumbra since Jazz Jam began 16 years ago.

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