This highly competitive juried art show consists of 355 artists from around the world, selected to display their work. After last year’s show, 51 artists were invited back to represent the 2008 Best of Show and top 10 percent of each medium. A total of 902 artists applied for this year’s remaining spots. The artists will travel from 42 states and three countries (U.S., Canada, and Argentina).
The Uptown Art Fair follows an arduous jury process. It uses a state-of-the-art online application and jury process called Zapplication.™ Each artist submits five images of his or her work. All artwork submitted is in a consistent, high-quality digital format.
Five highly qualified artists, instructors, and critics handpick the artists after previewing projections of the images on 8-foot screens. Three rounds of scoring determine the final selection and wait list for the show. The identities of the artists remain anonymous during the entire review process.
2009 Jurors
Uptown Art Fair
Judith Kinghorn
Minneapolis, MN
Jewelry Artist
Cheryle Melander
Minneapolis, MN
Art Instructor; Ceramics, Sculpture, Drawing, and Fiber Artist
Ernest Miller
Minneapolis, MN
Ceramics Artist
John Pearson
St. Paul, MN
Photography, Painting, and Printmaking Artist
Mason Riddle
St. Paul, MN
Art Critic and Instructor