Twitterview with Stephanie Meyer, @FreshTartSteph

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hello everybody! Stay warm and follow today’s #MNMOtv with #DaraCo blogger @FreshTartSteph. Lets roll!

Stephanie: Ready @JoelECarlson ! We should talk about food or something, ha. Thanks for inviting me!

So @FreshTartSteph. Tell us, where did you grew up, attend school and what did you want to be when you grew up?

Stephanie: I grew up in freezing cold Grand Forks, ND. College in freezing cold Madison, WI at UW. Now I live…yeah. I wanted to be a chef.

I think it’s called “Cold Country”. 🙂 So when did you start food blogging and what was your intended focus?

Stephanie: Indeed 🙂 I started food blogging Jan 6, 2006. My birthday!

“I can hardly imagine that anyone would ever want to read what I think about things…” My first blogged sentence. Still true, ha.

My intended focus was moderation. A concept I, um, struggle with. My blog at the time was called Moderate Epicurean – dumb name.

I changed my blog’s name to Fresh Tart a couple of years ago, but really, there’s still an underlying theme of moderation, health…

…eating real, whole food. That’s what I honed in on over time. Eat Real Food. Simply prepared. Cook for your family.

Interesting. What would you say your focus is now and how has being a GF eater effected you and your blogging?

Stephanie: Being a #glutenfree eater has changed my life and definitely Fresh Tart. The whole food focus hasn’t changed, but I post very few…

…recipes that contain gluten or any grains at all. Recipes focus on vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, little dairy. I’m NOT…

…a fan of packaged #glutenfree food anymore than I am about packaged food in general. I think it’s fair to say that you…

…wouldn’t know that I’m #glutenfree by reading Fresh Tart. It’s just about cooking real food.

Alright. So how and when did your relationship with @MNMOmag start? Do you post for any other Co.?

Stephanie: I met @DearDara at a wine tasting without knowing who she was. Gave her my blog name. Almost fell over when I actually introduced…

…myself. BIG. FAN. GAH. Anyhow, she read my blog, told me about the #DaraCo idea, I said I’d love to contribute, we launched…

…spring of 2010, I believe. I love how all of our perspectives come together, I’m very proud to participate. I also contribute…

@ShootTheKitch with @susanpowers. @andrewzimmern‘s Kitchen Adventures @fandw. I intend many more recipes for @Stuffed_Pepper

…which is specificially #glutenfree recipes, great blog. I have a few recipes coming out in cookbooks this year, food photos…

…in other publications, working on a cool book concept, working on a food blog conference idea. How insanely fun, right? Amazing.

Food-socialite! Besides being a food blogger, you’ve also grown as a photographer. When did that interest start?

Stephanie: I’ve always loved taking pics, millions of pics, I just used to photograph my then-baby, Nathan. And my garden. And my party food…

…which my family thought was weird. I got interested in improving after I saw the horror of what I was first posting on my blog.

To me now, it’s all about the pics. As @susanpowers says, if people don’t want to eat the food in the photo, forget it. No one…

…come back to your blog. Not now. Not now that standards have changed, in the world of @foodgawker & @tastespotting.


How much would you say photographs add in value to a food blog?

Stephanie: Photographs – GOOD photographs – are imperative. Instant bonding with a reader. Something to chat about. Drives a recipe…

…and its potential into someone’s brain, and stomach, in 1 second. Done.

It makes me sad for chefs/restos when people take bad phone pics & post them. All that hard work, made ugly. Don’t do that 🙁

So how has your #MNFoodBloggers group been doing, and what other food related projects do you have in the wings?

Stephanie: The #MNFoodBloggers are on fire as a networking group. Who knew? Our FB page has more than 320 members…

It’s an all-day conversation about food, recipes, photos, job opportunities, on and on. Follow @MNFoodBloggers + #MNFoodBloggers!

The coolest thing #MNFoodBloggers are doing is raising money for local food charities. We’ve only just begun, but more than $2000

…so far, with more ideas in the works. In fact, those are the other food-related projects I’m most excited about. Food + kids!

We have a website, rough, but in process So far @GourmetGlee is contributing blogger spotlights. My sis

@staceymaude manages the rather lengthy blogroll. And @littlepod is publicizing local food events. MUCH to do, redesign, badge…

Recent or long-term FAVORITE: Restaurant, comfort food, cooking tool and seasoning or spice.

Stephanie: Mmm dude, I am genetically programmed to not pick faves. Did you hear me on @weeklydish? I eat @128cafe @HeidisMpls @CTKitchentable

Also @VincentMpls (twice yesterday, yah), loved @Victory_44 last week. Heading @Solera_mn next week, can’t wait. Lots of cocktails..

…Marvel Bar, yum. Honestly, I don’t even eat out that much bc I cook so much. Comfort food…polenta, I think. W tons of butter.

Tool: Sharp knives. Die without them. Spice: Cardamom obsessed at the moment, it shifts. I’m fickle.

You’ve been on a few radio programs lately. Would you consider your own show or segment on radio or TV?

Stephanie: Dude! Way to put me on the spot, evil. I…don’t know. Flying by the seat of my pants. I love doing all of it. I’ve had a few chats

…about radio, TV, who knows, could be a blast, could be nothing. Fun to see where it all goes. All signs point toward –> FOOD.

And shoes 🙂 And fun. All signs point toward fun, yes!

I’ve got to keep the Twitterview SPICY! (Food pun). Thanks Stephanie for your time and comments today. Great fun!

Stephanie: Thanks so much @JoelECarlson! Blast!