Hi everybody! Welcome to today’s @MNMOmag Twitterview with interior designer @opulencebyT (Tiffany Hanken). Let’s get started!
Hi Tiffany! Tell us a little bit about your background. Where did you grow up and how did you get interested in design?
Tiffany: Hi Joel! Thank you for having me. I grew up in WI on a farm. I decided to remodel a old hunting shack at age 12.
This is where my love for interior design started!
Whoa! At age 12?!?! So what did you do to the hunting shack. Was it for you or someone that you knew?
Tiffany: I turned it into a small home, added windows, built a shower out of a cow trough and metal piping.
It was just a playhouse/fort for us kids.
Me and the neighbors were able to shower as it rained. Talk about Eco-friendly! Ha
Sounds like a good start. So did you take schooling on design and construction in HS and a vocational school?
Tiffany: I was exposed to construction in HS then went 2 Community Colleges for Interior Design.
How would you say that your design-style developed? What kinds of things did you expose yourself to creatively?
Tiffany: My design style has developed by my travels to Europe and abroad. I exposed myself to all works of art and fashion.
Most of my inspiration comes from Hotels around the world or anything inspiring.
That’s a good idea. So what kind of projects do you and your company do now? Single rooms? Entire houses?
Tiffany: We do anything from a Loft remodel downtown to an entire house remodel, to restaurants in Mpls.
We will also just remodel a master bedroom or bathroom, while staying in tune with the rest of the home.
What are some trends in colors and materials that you are seeing right now that are popular?
Tiffany: Neons – pinks, turquoises and bright blues, also my fav color trend Midnight Mystery, influenced by The Great Gatsby.
Midnight Mystery is dark charcoals, grays, saturated browns and navy’s. All eluding mystery.
For materials, it is natural elements, wood, faux bois patterns, and metals or gadgets with a whimsical edge.
Good to know. If someone is looking to make a change or update in their home, what’s the best way to contact you?
Tiffany: By email – tiffany@tiffanyhankendesign.com or phone 952.454.4294. I am happy to consult on any project!
Super! Thanks for your time today Tiffany and sharing some of your story on #MNMOtv. Have a great day!
Tiffany: Thanks again Joel! Have a fabulous day too!