I have to say, I was pretty enthused to come in this morning and find that Rob Lowe was on the docket for a blog post. Because how often do you get to start off the workday by perusing photos of a handsome fella working for a good cause?
The Parks & Recreation actor was in attendance Monday night to unveil the Valspar Hands for Habitat Celebrity Charity Auction, a two-week online auction to benefit Habitat for Humanity’s continued rebuilding effort in Haiti. Valspar Paint, a Minneapolis-based company, is auctioning off over 30 signed celebrity hand prints (a great nod to pop art, if you’re in the market!) through August 31st. In addition to proceeds from the auctions, Valspar is donating $1000 for each print donated. Whether you’re a movie buff, a kitchen whiz, a reality TV addict, or a design fiend, there’s a print up your alley—prices start at $75, and participating celebrities include Naomi Watts, Paula Deen, Lauren Conrad, and my personal favorite, Jonathan Adler.
Want to lend a hand? Go to the Valspar Facebook page and upload a photo of your hands—for each snapshot, Valspar will give another dollar to the cause. Rebuilding efforts in Haiti are ongoing, and Habitat for Humanity can use all the help they can get. All it takes is a camera (or smartphone!) and two seconds of your time to make a difference!