Not since Dr. Carl Rosendahl published his Trees and Shrubs of the Upper Midwest in 1955, has there been an updated guide on the topic. Well, at least there wasn’t until DNR field botanist Welby Smith published his Trees and Shrubs of Minnesota (University of Minnesota Press) last November. The new guide includes more than 200 tree, shrub, and woody vines with up-close photos by the author, more than 100 botanical illustrations, and 500 state and range maps to boot. In other words, if you’ve been taping together the 1955 edition—for goodness sakes, treat yourself to the new improved version. If you swing by Terrace Horticultural Books at 1 p.m. on April 4, the author will even sign your copy. And you’ll be liable to take half-off all books in store at Terrace, plus 20 percent off vintage seed and plant catalogs, seed packets, unframed art, and antique garden tools.
Images and excerpt provided by the University of Minnesota Press.
Photos by Welby Smith; drawings by Vera Ming Wong.