5 Questions with Abstract Artist Ellen Richman

The work of Minneapolis-based contemporary artist Ellen Richman is a tribute to how minimalism has the potential to infuse artistic vision. With representation in galleries in Minneapolis and Chicago, as well as past exhibitions throughout the metro area, Richman takes her experience to the next level with a presence in the Twin Cities’ newest collaborative exhibition featuring designs from eclectic local furniture shop OMFORME and abstract pieces from CIRCA art gallery. The exhibit opened just last week and runs through Saturday, July 11.

1. How would you describe your work and aesthetic?

My paintings are an exploration in abstraction. I seek to develop an image to a clean minimal unencumbered space that reflects a state of balance.

2. Where does your inspiration come from?

My ideas come from everywhere. Considerations of place, space, time, light, nature, physics, mathematics and patterns in human constructions like music, textiles, graphics and architecture.

3. What are your materials of choice?

Oil on canvas.

4. What does the creative process look like for you?

With an empty mind, I begin by applying multiple thin layers of paint onto canvas. I respond to the marks with formal considerations in terms of color, value contrast and scale.  The process is both intuitive and critical.

5. What is the most important thing you¹ve learned through the years as a growing contemporary artist?

Be true to yourself. There is an enormous and diverse art world with millions of talented people. Don’t worry about what other people are doing or not doing.