An Offer I Can't Refuse

First off, an admission: I’ve never seen The Godfather. Criminal, I know. A great sin of cultural omission. Universally accepted to be America’s finest film, fawned over by every critic that ever mattered, routinely compared to Shakespeare, less-routinely-but-still-surprisingly-often considered “the Great American Novel,” Francis Ford Coppola’s masterpiece is perhaps the most artistically sacrosanct American creation ever. It has not a single hater. Its successful 1972 release catapulted it into the firmament, and it has resided there regally for 40 years now. 

So why haven’t I seen it? I don’t know. It’s three hours long. It’s also not available on Netflix Instant Watch.

GodfatherBut friends, my atonement comes this weekend, courtesy of the Trylon’s four-day Godfather marathon, which kicked off last night. The microcinema mercifully stretches The Godfather and The Godfather II—the third and final installment, 1990’s wobbly character piece centered on Michael Corleone, is conspicuously absent—over four days. Hardcore buffs can catch the flicks back-to-back on Saturday and Sunday, while lazy cinephiles like myself can keep it to one mob epic per day.

And because it wouldn’t be a Godfather party without an offer you can’t refuse, the Trylon’s got Saucy Burt’s serving up meatball subs at tonight’s screening. Badabing.

The Godfather
Saturday and Sunday, 3:30 p.m.

The Godfather II
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 7 p.m.

Trylon Microcinema, 3258 Minnehaha Ave., Mpls.