I couldn’t help but notice during my run last weekend that the first set of leaves has already fallen. I decided that it was officially fall—I mean, the calendar did change to September. Fashion magazines the size of textbooks are rolling in, boots and leather fill the malls, and that means the seasonal hair color trends are coming to life, too. I am always inspired by the Pantone Color Reports, but this year really is incredible. You can download your own copy of the entire report at pantone.com.
I use the Pantone report to direct my clients to colors that work with their skin tone, hair type, and maintenance commitment. This year Pantone’s Tangerine Tango is on the top of my list. It is vivacious with a retro punch, the perfect dimensional accent color to a deep lively redhead, or it works as an amazing transitional copper from summer-blonde locks.
Here are a couple of my clients who are wearing my interpretation of the hue:
Come on in to Root—to any of our talented stylists—for all of your fall fashion hair color needs in either Minneapolis or St. Paul.