I love making resolutions. I just think a little check-in at the beginning of the year sets things off right. Last year I committed to buying all local for all my gifts (and many other shopping needs, too, which I wrote about for our December issue). That’s been working out fabulously, and I plan to take that a step further this year.
A couple of years ago, my resolution was to focus on happiness. I had a few different, smaller goals that I thought would help support my goal of being happy and looking on the bright side. That worked really, really well. Things that worked less well were a list of goals that didn’t really necessarily support each other and I had no plan for putting them into place.
This year, though, I face a totally different challenge. I’m starting off 2013 with a bang: a baby soon to arrive. I have no idea what is ahead of me this year. I mean, I know enough to know that I have no idea what’s truly going to happen.
And actually, therein lies the resolution. I, like most people (I assume), like some measure of control over my life. OK, I like to have a lot of control. Or the illusion of control.
This year, though, it’s hands off the wheel. It’s about embracing a learning curve. A steep one. About letting a tiny little someone teach me a few things. And it’s being totally OK with that.
It won’t be easy, but it’s really obvious to me that letting go and jumping in wholeheartedly, without reserve, and without feeling like I need a plan that must work perfectly, immediately is probably the surest path to success. Or at least happiness without major sleep reserves. Maybe this is a greater life point and not just about my 2013. I don’t know—but I’ll be sure to keep you posted!
What are your resolutions for 2013? How do you choose ’em? Do you make a plan, or just toss a couple of ideas out there? Share away! I’d love to hear.
Also, FYI: We have some incentive for your goals this year. Check out the Minnesota Monthly WellStockMN Challenge (sign up by Jan. 5) for ways you can win $5,000 in fitness to Ivy Spa Club!