So, I have no problem admitting that I love all things pink and puffy-hearted and girly. Like, super girly. I often use the phrase “My inner second-grader loves that,” when what I really mean is “I loved that then, I still would wear it now.” Sure, I love sophisticated and minimalist things as much as the next style editor. But overall, I love to have some fun, especially with accessories.
Also, I love Valentine’s Day. I can’t help it. The romance part is great, sure. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a holiday that promotes love, even if it was made up by a greeting-card company. I think recent events in the news are reminding us that we need love now more than ever, and if that makes me sound like a cornball, so be it. I love lace and pink and flowers and candy and letting people know—not just my husband—how much I love and appreciate them.
This leads me to the new limited-edition collection from Kedrin. I’ve long been a fan of hers, and have written about her handiwork many a time, so I hope her name isn’t new to you. But if it is, then here’s a good chance to check her out: hand-crocheted lovie gloves. They come in a couple of different color pairings, all pink-and-red family, and I love the asymmetrical design.
It’s the perfect gift for any girl you love this Valentine’s Day, don’t you think?
$35. Available at her website.