Whether you are a homeowner looking for ideas to spruce up your home, or you are a design professional looking to learn new ideas and trends, you need to stop by the Midwest Home Design Week from February 16-22.
Design Week kicks off on Sunday, February 16, with a Design Boutique featuring designer Kathryn M. Ireland of Bravo TV’s Million Dollar Decorators as keynote speaker. If anyone has seen Kathryn on television before, you’ll know that she is spunky and delightful. Check out her demo reel:
The rest of the week will be filled with seminars, forums, and panels from leading local designers. Visit mhmag.com/designweek for the full schedule of events.
What: Midwest Home Design Week
Where: Events are at various locations
When: February 16-22
Cost: Varies on event
Website: mhmag.com/designweek