If you haven’t checked out the latest issue of Minnesota Monthly, you’re going to want to make sure to flip open and read my profile about Strong, Sexy & Stylish, a group of three inspiring women: Karen Kraus, a wellness coach; Sally McGraw, a style blogger, author, and body-image expert; and Laura Rad, a sex educator. Together they combine their forces to create a podcast and blog that focuses on the areas that help women build their self-esteem, explore what roles wellness, style, and sexual health play in the life of a healthy woman. They’re completely inspiring and a TON of fun—no shaming, blaming, or scheming with these ladies. We had so much fun at the interview, we decided I should come on their podcast as a guest and they were particularly interested in exploring what really happens at photo shoots. So I pulled back the curtain on the amount of prep it takes, how much photo editing we really do, and what my goals are versus what national magazines try to accomplish. And now, I present the podcast to you! Take a listen and let me know what you think—we had so much fun creating it for you.
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