If you haven’t already decided on a Halloween costume, here’s an easy and fun idea. I have always been attracted to the bright colors and festivities of the Dia De Los Muertos, a Mexican celebration that remembers and honors the dead. Calaveras (decorative candy skulls) are one of the traditional symbols of this festival and are a perfect costume. Paint the face, wear (warm!) black clothes, and voila! You are a floating candy.
Here’s what you need:
- Clown white (find it anywhere that carries Halloween supplies)
- Black eye pencil, or black eyeliner
- Colored eye pencils or shadows.
You really can’t go wrong here as long as you keep the basic “skull” idea.
Step by step:
- White the face
- Black around the eyes (add a petal detail at the edge)
- Black triangle on the nose
- Draw vertical lines on the mouth to represent teeth (you can get really elaborate with this)
- Add horizontal line from the edges of the lips to separate the jaw
- Add flowers, color, and anything else you can think of
Once the basic skull is done, the more creative, colorful, and elaborate designs the better—but simple works too.
My daughter got the basic idea once I did her makeup and really wanted to try her hand at the application (my husband was her guinea pig).
To be honest, she didn’t do too bad! And she has decided she will be adding a mustache so people know that her dad is a boy.
This weekend my family and I are attending a super fun outdoor party as a family of candy skulls. We’ll look festive but still keep warm. Regardless of what your plans are, get creative, try something new, and enjoy the treats!