September Rox

Here we go . . . September. The most beautiful month of the year is the one that invariably leaves my calendar looking like a coach’s playbook. So many scheduled activities when all I secretly want to do is watch the leaves turn and organize my fall closet. But these are good things! And one in particular that’s worth checking out is news broadcaster Robyne Robinson’s fall Rox jewelry trunk show at Chambers. If you haven’t seen her earthy work, this is the time: models will be wearing the necklaces, bracelets, and earrings made of semi-precious stones, pearls, and charms. It’s not my style (though it is Madonna’s and Paula Abdul’s), but I appreciate the craftsmanship and Robinson’s use of found objects she acquires on her global travels. Plus, her RoxMen line is right on trend with tasteful, masculine jewelry that’s finally cropping up (check out Frank Gehry’s collection for Tiffany, or Ivy Men’s rock-and-roll cuffs.)

Saturday, September 15
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Chambers Hotel, 901 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis
Complimentary wine and appetizers

RSVP by September 7. Call 612-767-6800 or email