Okay, okay! Enough already. I finally went to Kohl’s to check out Vera Wang’s new collection. If we can call it that. Why the attitude, you ask? It started with this article in the NY Times. Specifically: “This is more about keeping my business going so I can continue to do what I love most.” I appreciate Vera’s honesty, that she’s partnering with Kohl’s for the money. Everyone needs it, and lots of designers do it. But it’s a bitter pill for me to swallow when it comes to actually buying the stuff. How can I get excited about a product when its maker is not really that into it? I could say the same about Vera’s bridal gowns, which she started making because that’s the only business her father would bankroll. How romantic. That’s not to say I didn’t try on a few when I was choosing my big-day gown. They’re beautiful works of art. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for SimplyVera.
Despite the drab, emptiness, and 70%-off racks that I associate with Kohl’s, I was optimistic that the quality of SimplyVera would at least live up to its very non-Kohl’s prices–not to mention Vera’s usually standards. The one piece I had been eyeing, this short-sleeved coat, retails for $128. Very reasonable. But when I got up-close, the fabric was rough, thin, and already pilling. I know I can do better, like this Tulle coat at Covered for half the price, so why would I make a special trip to Knollwood Mall for this?
I didn’t find better quality elsewhere, in the dresses, tops, or–worst of all–the shoes, which even Payless has beat. A designer I know remarked that she had a hard time finding anything to buy, and, as a seamstress, was disappointed by the workmanship. Though she did walk away with a black tunic that works well with her very-Vera black leggings, I took home a Daisy Fuentes turtleneck.