Occasionally, I need to be reminded to take a deep breath. OK, that might be more than occasionally. This summer has been unusually hectic and harried, or at least, feels that way, and I feel like I need a time out before I head into another season—one that will put me in intense preparation for the baby to arrive this winter.
Enter Still by the Lakes at the venerable Madden’s resort. Let me tell you, I booked my spot as fast as I could. Madden’s teamed up with Green Lotus Yoga and Healing Center to create a women’s weekend away. And it’s full of, but not overly scheduled with, wellness activities. Three keynote speakers, Bobby Sullivan, Gwen Linden-Bruzek, and Dr. Ronda Diegel will address aura reading, ayurvedic basics, and personality exploration, respectively. Plus there will be acupuncture, aromatherapy, breakout sessions, chakra yoga, and more. Settled on the shores of Gull Lake, Madden’s will also offer up its grounds for fitness (golf or tennis, anyone?) and other northland activities, plus the spa is always available for appointments, too, if you prefer a massage over a paddleboat ride. (You can read more in-depth about the weekend experience on the Madden’s website.)
I’m looking forward to stretching my physical and mental muscles, taking some quiet time, and getting rebalanced. I don’t think I have to remind you that feeding your soul and your body fend off all those icky winter illnesses, do I? Or that stress can have an awful cumulative effect on your health?
It sounds like the perfect deep breath before the next season. Interested? Here’s where you book your spot.