I once read a beauty horoscope somewhere that because I’m a Sagittarius, I will always switch up my scent. Deep, I know.
But actually, that’s come true. I am never faithful to one scent for very long, and I usually can never go back to wearing a former-favorite scent again—it’s like a chapter in my life that’s been closed.
I was thinking earlier this week about ’80s and’90s trivia, and I suddenly remembered Exclamation! perfume. Do you remember how huge this was? The tagline was “Make a statement without saying a word.” Brilliant! I hadn’t thought of Exclamation! in years, but perfume does have that effect on the people around you.
For me, Love’s Baby Soft will remind me of sixth grade, Elizabeth Arden’s Sunflowers of junior-high school hallways and angst, Chanel No. 5 of my maternal grandmother, Oscar de la Renta of my paternal grandmother. Pleasures will remind me of those heady glory days—late high school and early college. Flowerbomb will always remind me of becoming a beauty editor. Charlie and Liz Claiborne will remind me of my childhood, and sweet, crisp Calyx is what my mom smells like. Nowadays I bounce between Fresh’s now-discontinued Memoirs of a Geisha (New York—my first trip with my now husband) and Pucci’s Vivara, plus roller balls from Love + Toast.
What a wealth of memories on this Friday. What’s your signature scent? Or, if you don’t want to reveal that personal 0f a detail (I totally understand!), do you have a scent you can recognize from a million miles off? What does it remind you of?