Although most Halloween parties and events happened this past weekend, the big day (or should I say night?) is tomorrow. If you are still undecided on what you should be or received a last-minute invitation and need a costume, I will let you in on a little treat not everyone knows about: Norcostco.
Norcostco began its operations as Northwestern Costume Company in 1884 and served theatre companies with costumes, eventually expanding to accessories, technical lighting, and stage draperies. Norcostco, as it is now known, is right in our backyards: Golden Valley. Don’t let the unassuming exterior of the building fool you: when you walk in you will find literally everything you need to be anything you want.
From walls of hats, wigs, facial hair, makeup, and blood—yes, blood! Who knew there could be so many different kinds?—to facial appliances that, with a little glue, can transform a mere mortal into a variety of gentle as well as nightmarish creatures.
The staff is friendly, knowledgable, and incredibly helpful. The makeup department isn’t just great for Halloween; many of their products can be used as they say “in the industry” for straight (read: street) makeup. There is a great array of foundations and concealers as well as shadows, lip products, and eyelashes. And for Halloween, they also offer some cheat sheets with step-by-step instructions.
Honestly if they don’t have it at Norcostco, you probably don’t need it.
And lest I forget they have costumes. Some you can buy, but tens of thousands you can rent. Aliens—they’ve got them, in any time period from biblical to 1980. Characters from Alice in Wonderland to the Wizard of Oz. They also have countless animals and uniforms, from Confederate to tin soldiers. Did I mention the aliens? Norcostco is open tomorrow 9 a.m. until 7 p.m., which should be plenty of time for your Halloween transformation.
Whether you decide on pirate, Mad Hatter or witch, be safe and have a wonderfully spooky night tomorrow. Trick or treat!
Norcostco: 825 Rhode Island Ave. S, Golden Valley