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Taster's Choice

Craving chips and salty snacks one minute and sweetened Cap’n Crunch the next? Here’s the science behind the salivation.

Royal Flush

Colonic therapy is more popular than ever, but do the risks outweigh the benefits?

Pain Isn’t All In Your Head—But Some of It Is

Kevin Kling on the Marines, chronic pain, and laughter

The Great Alexander

Lower-back pain is among the most-common medical complaints. Could a decades-old technique used by dancers, actors, and musicians offer relief?

Examining the Alternative

A doctor investigates the promises of natural remedies

The Earitible Child

Why antibiotics aren’t always the right solution for ear infections

Fowl Play

If you’re fretful about bird flu, you might not want to linger on the shoreline with the loons.

Why do You Think They Call It Dope?

Brand-name drug vs. generic dope? The only difference is packaging—and price.

Botox Rocks

Super-deadly paralytic poison—it’s not just for the rich and famous anymore.