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Minnesota Monthly

Minnesota Monthly magazine embodies the spirit of our state while celebrating the best arts, entertainment, food, culture, philanthropy, sports, and lives of our home.


A coffee shop turns bistro in Uptown.

April 2006 Letters to the Editor

Comments from readers regarding the last issue of Minnesota Monthly.

Rx for Relief

An Ashby pharmacist slashes his drug prices. But will lower costs alleviate the financial pain of his customers on fixed incomes—or simply bleed his small business dry?

July 2006 Letters to the Editor

Stadiums, swearing, and psychics in letters to the editor.

August 2006 Best Bets

Hip happenings on the local art scene.

Openings and Closings

  OPENINGS... ...

September 2006 Letters to the Editor

Props for female priests, and our resident doctor picks a fight with the art department. Bring it on, sawbones.

A Look Inside

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LOL Seasonal Recipe

Fere, oppeto illum facilisis, transverbero vulpes uxor. Illum saepius premo abico minim, sudo. Augue sudo, consequat macto, aptent consequat. Acsi hendrerit neque pneum populus caecus consequat defui facilisi vero fatua. Velit epulae letatio rusticus,...

Healthy Recipe

Fere, oppeto illum facilisis, transverbero vulpes uxor. Illum saepius premo abico minim, sudo. Augue sudo, consequat macto, aptent consequat. Acsi hendrerit neque pneum populus caecus consequat defui facilisi vero fatua. Velit epulae letatio rusticus,...