Home Authors Posts by Sheila Mulrooney Eldred

Sheila Mulrooney Eldred


Is Seasonal Affective Disorder Real?

New research on SAD questions the connection between sunlight and depression

Healthier School Lunches

Minnesota schools, legislation, and organizations help feed kids nourishing meals

Bug Out: It's Mosquito Season

Should we fear Zika and our unofficial state bird's bite?

Entrepreneur Spotlight: The Herbivorous Butcher

Siblings Kale and Aubry Walch sell vegan meats in northeast Minneapolis

Weight Management

How Minnesota became a national leader in obesity prevention—and why it might not be enough

Life as a Freelancer

Stories from self-employed Minnesotans who juggle multiple gigs and navigate the feast-or-famine cycle

2016 Salary Survey: Who Makes What?

We asked the nosy questions (or looked them up, in the case of salaries that are publicly available) so you could compare your earnings to those of other Minnesotans.

How to Eat for a Healthy Heart

A local cardiologist’s nutrition prescription.

The Vaccination Debate

New laws refuel the fight

Sports Drinks—Should Gatorade be Benched?

The beverages are linked to obesity and dental decay