Student Matinee: WITNESS Young People’s Concert Eyes Still on the Prize
February 21 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
VocalEssence joins forces with a collective of Twin Cities-based artists—actors, dancers, storytellers, and musicians—presenting songs and stories about pivotal figures and landmark events of the Civil Rights Movement. This matinee will feature Singers of This Age, along with WITNESS Teaching Artists, guest artists, and members of the VocalEssence Chorus. Experience stories woven to connect past struggles to the present in pursuit of an equitable future for all. Be a part of the journey to “keep your eyes on the prize and hold on” as you lift your voice to commit to and continue the legacy of those who fought for freedom, as we march towards racial justice.
Reservations for in-person tickets to Student Matinee: WITNESS Young People’s Concert can be made on the VocalEssence WITNESS School Program website. Visit to learn more about the WITNESS School Program and the WITNESS Young People’s Concert. Livestream and on-demand access can be reserved on Northrop’s K-12 Student Matinees website. If you have additional questions contact matinees@northrop.umn.edu.
For the VocalEssence WITNESS student matinee, we are offering free tickets instead of bus reimbursement. If you are facing a financial barrier to securing bussing for the concert, please email matinees@umn.edu and we will be happy to work with you on a case-by-case basis to provide some support.
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