For 2016, Rachel and John predicted an increase in food delivery—a correct forecast with Amazon now delivering restaurant dishes (or a “grocerant,” combining a grocery store with a restaurant concept offering takeout). They also predicted the demise of fresh-squeezed juice bars and frozen yogurt chains, which seems a bit too trendy for the Twin Cities, but this prediction proved wrong. They’re taking off.
The success of juice bars may be one indicator that we’ll see an influx of healthy food concepts in 2017. The Herbivorous Butcher opened up the market for faux meat, and several grain bowls from places such as Green and the Grain and World Street Kitchen have proved its popularity.
John and Rachel are also repeating their prediction that the Twin Cities will see more international flavor this year. And 2017 may also be a big year for growing awareness of food waste. Minneapolis’ introduction of curbside composting was a big step in the right direction in 2016.
Listen to the full segment on Classical MPR.