In addition to way-too-early mornings, a fluency in Teen Titans Go!, an overworked immune system, battle scars around my midsection, and the inability to finish a phone conversation without yelling non sequiturs, the decision to have kids has severely impeded my weekend brunch game.
But it’s worth it to book a morning sitter (or ditch them at Grandma’s—she’s probably up by 7 a.m., anyway) and hit the most delicious of leisurely meals. So do yourself a favor and seize the weekend with a gang of friends.
Martina’s Non-Alcoholic Cocktails: Listen, Marco Zappia is just a genius behind the bar, and his entire beverage menu at Martina shows it. He’s making his own Campari for Negronis, serving whippy concoctions on eggs, and most dazzling of all are his N/A brunch drinks. They are dazzling layers of subtle flavors and just the right amount of fun. A shiso phosphate has a fresh, springy herbaceousness from the herb, a lively amount of bubbles, and just enough sweetness to please an early-morning palate.
Martina’s Potato Churros: While you’re at Martina, might as well also get an order or two of the potato churros. They’re kind of like if mashed potatoes and French fries had a party in the kitchen. What arrives at the table is so crusty, fluffy, and irresistible, you might want to encourage your dining companions to get their own. (No, really. I’m not sharing.)
Grand Cafe’s Monkey Bread: Jamie Malone’s Grand Cafe just kicked off brunch on Sundays, and they’ve brought out the sweets cart. A little tray of ready-to-be-nibbled treats includes a childhood favorite of mine: gooey, bready, lovey monkey bread. It’s the perfect bite to keep the hangries away before ordering avocado toast or a classic French omelette.
Bonus: Sunday Brunch Karaoke at Bull’s Horn: A Bent Paddle cold press and an open mic: probably the way most rock stars got their start. Check out 2 p.m. Sunday karaoke at Bull’s Horn with friends. The song selection is truly breathtaking, and if you’re lucky, you might catch Bull’s Horn co-owner Amy Greeley rocking out to some Bonnie Tyler…or yours truly butchering a truly spectacularly bawdy Bette Midler tune about the invention of the Titzling.