The artisan pizza scene in Southwest Minneapolis these days is hotter than Punch Pizza’s 800-degree ovens, with a veritable explosion of pizza joints popping up in the area. This week on Moveable Feast, John and Rachel talk about the options for a dinner out or, if you’re not afraid of a little heartburn, a full-fledged pizza marathon.
Punch Pizza at Lake Calhoun paved the way, followed by Mozza Mia at 50th and France, and Ann Kim’s Pizzeria Lola on Xerxes and Hello Pizza on France and 44th. Black Sheep, which already had locations in the North Loop and St. Paul, recently opened up shop on Eat Street.
Joining the pizza party is Red Wagon, which sets itself apart with a crispy, cracker-thin crust and an array of funky toppings like banh mi and Reuben pies. Red Wagon also has a massive number of craft beers on tap and a large dessert selection, including a tasty banana cream pie in a Mason jar. Catch the full episode on the Moveable Feast site.