On October 19thJerabek’s announced that after over 100 years they would close the next day. Danish lovers, around the Twin Cities, myself included, gnashed their teeth in despair over the loss.
Then after less than a month and with little explanation, Jerabek’s announced they would reopen, which they did last Saturday. In what appears to be part miscommunication between business partners and part partnership dissolution, the team has been reconfigured. Surviving owner and early morning baker, John Wills brought on a new manager in longtime friend and former B-52 Slider Squad food truck member, Jason Degidio.
Degidio plans to make a few structural changes, like longer hours, live music, and some neighborhood parties, but assures the bakery items, like the Czech kolache, will remain unchanged from the historic recipes.
They’re still accepting Thanksgiving orders for dinner rolls, $5 for a dozen, as well as pies like their mixed berry, just like mom used to make, lattice top crust. Now that they’re back, how about a few pie orders to keep them around?