Rays of sunshine, the breeze off the water and the smell of sunscreen are all signs of a glorious summer on the lake. But better yet, the tastes of the lake can be even more mesmerizing.
Lake Minnetonka, located about a half hour west of downtown Minneapolis, has approximately 125 miles of shoreline filled with community, docks, shops and restaurants. With favorite locations such as Maynard’s, Lord Fletcher’s and the Coalition, there are endless options for where to grab a delicious bite.
Lake Minnetonka Eats: Recipes from the Lake Area’s Favorite Restaurants, by Tiffany Winter, brings the shoreline to life while capturing the energy of 25 lake area restaurants. The book hosts the histories and stories behind each location, a selection of recipes from those beloved restaurants and beer pairings from Excelsior Brewing Company.
Learn how to make the Southwest Quinoa Salad from 318 Café, Tacos Al Pastor from Lago Tacos, Skinny Chicken from Maynard’s or many other recipes found near the bay from other locations such as Patisserie Margo, Al & Alma’s and Sushi Fix.
Randy Stanley, owner of 6Smith—also one of the restaurants featured—commented on Lake Minnetonka Eats and its contribution to the community.
“Being a restaurant on the lake means inevitably you’re a part of many family memories,” Stanley said. “Knowing that inspires us to make every dish and dining experience special. Lake Minnetonka Eats captures the recipes behind many of those memorable meals.”
Founder of her own marketing consulting business Cooks Bay Marketing and self-identified foodie and lake enthusiast, Winter developed the idea for her first book after wanting to feature all the restaurants on Lake Minnetonka that she couldn’t get enough of.
“It’s a culmination of being a foodie, loving to cook and having pride in our Lake Minnetonka community after growing up here—it’s really special,” Winter said.
After a number of meals out and happy hours where she introduced herself to the owners of her favorite eateries, she was excited about how many locations got on board.
“I think they realized what a great opportunity it is for them,” Winter said. “I’m telling their stories and sharing their food with people—what’s not to love about that?”
Along with the selection of recipes, Lake Minnetonka Eats also includes coverage of a number of community events focused on food and a few farm-to-table sources found locally.
Whether you’re curious about trying to cook a favorite lake dish for yourself or wanted to learn more about the lake area restaurants, Lake Minnetonka Eats is a book that will keep summer and lake food alive all year round.
Find a copy at lakeminnetonkaeats.com and in stores around the Twin Cities Area.