Meatballs at Tilia. Photo by Joy Summers.
I can’t focus, I’m twitchy and I barely slept last night: hopefully by tomorrow our years long anxiety attack will finally subside. Well, at least it will for half the country. Today I’ll be eating my way through the worry and focusing on really fun stuff to come—such as the Charlie Awards! This Sunday is our local food award show and the five year old in me cannot wait to don my pretty dress and perform my little act for everyone. I’ll be co-hosting along with my more accustomed-to-the-microphone cohort, Jason DeRusha. It’s going to be a blast, and we’ll be celebrating the breathtaking amount of culinary talent we have in these cities. Come join us and we can swap bets on whether I’ll fall down or not. I even made a little game card—feel free to print it out and play along. See you Sunday at 3:30 at the Pantages Theater in downtown Minneapolis! Until then, soothe the political stress with these three goodies:
Meatballs at Tilia
Because this election can suck it. Seriously. Head on over tonight with a sticker and get your first glass of wine on the house, but go any time for some of the best meatballs in town. They are deliciously herb flecked and doused in a vibrant, spicy tomato sauce. At just two to a serving, you can’t go wrong.
The Motherboard at Gyst
This is an ideal spot to belly up and watch the results roll in tonight. It’s also an excellent place to feast on meats and pickles with friends over a long night of catching up over beers and wine. This quiet corner of South Minneapolis is an excellent respite from a busy city. The Motherboard selection is a curated spread of all kinds of cured meats, cheese and preserved pickle-y things.
Cupcakes at A Cupcake Social
We’ve all earned it. Every Wednesday they kick off a new week of flavors and starting tomorrow we can eat Simply Vanilla or Death by Chocolate depending on how we’re feeling about those election results. One this is sure, we could all use a giant come-together cupcake social of epic proportions. It’s best to start on a local level and grab a dozen to share with friends.