To Build Community, Just Add Coffee

It’s hard to remember a time when there wasn’t a coffeehouse nearby—a place to meet a friend, host a meeting, study for a test, rest your legs during a day of shopping, or grab a cup to make your commute a little brighter. What did we do without them? These cozy spaces dotting nearly every neighborhood give us a place to gather that’s welcoming and affordable for all kinds of people—moms with small children, teens, freelancers with laptops (perhaps the most iconic coffeehouse image), and the elderly can sit and be in the company of others all for the price of a cup of coffee.

Communities value them and so do neighboring businesses—not only as a way to draw customers to the area, but also as a place for their employees to take a break and grab a drink or bite to eat. I met with Rachel Thelemann from the 50th and France Business Association and she was positively glowing about the value a place like Caribou Coffee brings. “A good coffeehouse really adds vitality to an area like ours. It’s an accessible place for lots of people and adds a note of warm hospitality that’s essential to a destination like 50th and France that is all about service and a personal touch.” Caribou has two locations in this popular shopping and dining area, one in Lunds grocery store and one at 49 ½th Street.

Caribou coffee community

So take a look around the next time you stop in and you’ll see what I mean. Coffee houses are community builders, good neighbors, and I think they’re here to stay.

This post is presented by Caribou Coffee Caribou Coffee Logo